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ATS Mods » Maps ATS » USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS

USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS 7

12-02-2022, 16:57
14 243
USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.43.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 12-02-2022, 16:57
Reason: Mod Updated to v4.0

Description about « USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS »:

Download mod USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

USA Map - this modification combine various map from other authors in one file. This multi map mod include Coast to Coast, Sierra Nevada, Montana Expansion and Midwest Expansion.

Features USA Map:
- combined in one file;
- blue roads on map and gps;
- All roads show blue even when traveled;
- There is a satellite background added;
- A gps background added and a little yellow truck on the map and gps in place of the blue triangle;
- Traffic and pedestrians present;
- Requires all DLC's.

Changes in v4.0:
- Built-in Island Map and Radiator Springs.

Tested on game version 1.43.x

  • Screens
USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS USA Map v4.0 By K-DOG (1.43.x) for ATS

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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  1. Patrick Douglas Richmond
    | № 7 | 13 August 2022 21:24 |
    + +1-
    K-Dog, fix your map so the game doesn't crash.
  2. Mesasphere
    Mesasphere Guests
    | № 6 | 2 June 2022 02:17 |
    + +1-
    Just went out to Hawaii and two issue, one the amount of cars parked around the town you arrive in dropped my fps to 45 (on a 3070) so maybe a bit much there. But more importantly the speed limit says 55mph but the game sees it as 55kph so all the AI drive at 34...
  3. fullest
    fullest Guests
    | № 5 | 30 May 2022 02:19 |
    + 0-
    Do you need all map dlc for this to work?
  4. TanteBerthaNL
    TanteBerthaNL Guests
    | № 4 | 11 May 2022 10:21 |
    + 0-
    hi goodday.. first of all great mod.. i can make the load order right but this is waaay easier and more cleaner in my modlist lol.. can you maby tell me where i find the map background? so i can remove it? i like the background but also not like it since some things are harder to see and in the night the map is to bright for me.. thnks!
  5. steffen
    steffen Guests
    | № 3 | 30 April 2022 23:06 |
    + +1-
    kennewick washington crashes everytime i go near or try to switch to garage with k dog x27 map 

  6. Cris
    Cris Guests
    | № 2 | 20 February 2022 19:58 |
    + +1-
    Great mod only i got a k dog USA v4 x27 1.43 versie and other k dog mod pacific north USA map mod (maybe the 2 are conflict so will try only USA v4 when I am back ) love it but only found 1 problem for now enter South Dakota from the highway was a barrier so need make a other route to enter for delivery hope you update the issue and fix if it is in v4 USA mod 

    but like it very much thanks for it!
  7. Jørgen Andersen
    | № 1 | 3 February 2022 16:28 |
    + +2-

    I've made a profile with "K-dog's North America Map v.2.0" and "K-Dog's_v27's_USA Map v.3.0
    I've allso added the mod collection I usually use, and everything works just fine.

    My PC:             i3-7100 CPU, 8 GB RAM, Nvidia Geforce GTX 1050 2GB, HDD 1TB

    As you can see, this is a low end PC for sure. But setting up the game and Graphics card the right way
    I have FPS between 120 - 50.

    Allthough I know how to manage the maps and load order my self, this Is so much easier.