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ATS Mods » Maps ATS » North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS

North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS 53

12-12-2022, 13:23
28 725
North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.46.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 12-12-2022, 13:23
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.8c

Description about « North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS »:

Download mod North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

North America - this modification bring many popular ATS released maps combined in 1 file for ATS players. Blended
them into one mod for the convenience of the users. With this the everyday player can enjoy all these maps without having to learn load orders and individual maps changing and screwing those load orders up.

Features North America MultiMod:
- combined maps like: C2C, CanaDream, Route Alaska map,  Island Map, Montana Expansion, Midwest Expansion,  Project Mid Atlantic, Project Better Arizona, US 24 extention,  Vermont Map, Sierra Nevada Legacy, Reforma [Mexico Part];
- everything is simply merged into one large file for ease of connection;
- This map contains Road files and other files built and designed by other famous Modders;
- The road to Alaska from Whitehorse, and the road connections between Discover Ontario and CanaMania are built and designed by myself, K-DOG;
- No more orders in the manager;
- Traffic and pedestrians present;
- Requires all DLC's.

Changes in v1.8c:
- Fixes the break at Los Angles, in Montana and in Texas;
- builded the Mackinaw Bridge.

Tested on game version 1.46.x

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North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS

Changes in v1.8b (1.46.x):
- fixes the break at I-5 and I-10.
Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.8 (1.46.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46;
- Texas DLC is required.
Download #1 | Download #2 

Changes in v1.7 (1.45.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45;
Fixed possible crashes;
- Montana DLC is required.
Download #1 | Download #2 

Changes in v1.6 (1.44.x):
- Final edits for patch 1.44.x;
- Fixed reported bugs from previous version.
Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.5 (1.44.x):
- This is a reworked version of the map;
- This fixes the reported crash bugs;
- Broken roads are now properly connected.
Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.4 (1.44.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44;
- Workin with Caribbean Map if you load both models files and the C2C Connector above this mod and the def_map file below.
- Not compatible with ProMods Canada or Discover Ontario maps.
Download #1 | Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.3 (1.43.x):
- Break on I-95 is fixed.
Download #1 | Download #2

Do you like this map?

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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save-game-profile-1_44_.rar [2.11 Mb] (downloads: 483)
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  1. VeeVee
    VeeVee Guests
    | № 38 | 5 October 2024 17:18 |
    + +12-
    Dude makes a s**tty map with no bug fixes, works great initially, but crashes like s**t when we drive on east coast, then abandons the map and the lazy asses out there who is used to playing in this as it is a single mod file now complain that they need the update to higher version. 

  2. Bo
    Bo Guests
    | № 37 | 23 June 2024 16:02 |
    + 0-
    Mod seems to have been abandoned, really sad too, was the best map out there!
  3. Erwin Rahmer
    Erwin Rahmer Guests
    | № 36 | 2 April 2024 20:12 |
    + -2-
    lets hope this works for version 1.49 and hope K-Dog will update this mod
  4. Dragon
    Dragon Guests
    | № 35 | 16 December 2023 02:37 |
    + -2-
    I'm sorry to say but this map for now will not work for 1.49 i was looking ford on seeing what this has to ofer but i guess it well have to wait for a later time K-DOG i am looking ford on seeing what you can bring to this and more :)
  5. John
    John Guests
    | № 34 | 1 September 2023 01:15 |
    + 0-
    is this map will it ever be updated 
  6. stikehbun
    stikehbun Guests
    | № 33 | 29 June 2023 03:04 |
    + 0-
    key west glitches out insane like the map just turns black and the grass also has texture issues by the supermarket. no conflicting mods to my knowledge
    1. stikehbun
      stikehbun Guests
      | № 32 | 29 June 2023 03:15 |
      + 0-
      also a mission from miami to naples the road you take just disappears and there's nothing for the ground only buildings. collisions still exist though you dont fall through
      1. stikehbun
        stikehbun Guests
        | № 31 | 29 June 2023 03:30 |
        + 0-
        ft lauderdale to naples as well but only in the beginning
        1. stikehbun
          stikehbun Guests
          | № 30 | 1 July 2023 01:43 |
          + 0-
          1. stikehbun
            stikehbun Guests
            | № 29 | 1 July 2023 01:44 |
            + 0-
            picture is what im describing. 0 mods installed, only k-dog map. frustrating. happens everywhere, not just miami
  7. John Menzie
    John Menzie Guests
    | № 28 | 15 April 2023 04:47 |
    + +6-
    When will this map be updated for the 1.47 
    1. Sebfrcan
      Sebfrcan Guests
      | № 27 | 19 April 2023 22:55 |
      + +2-
      i cant wait for the 1.47.x too from K-DOG'S MAP AMERICA !!
    2. Bo
      Bo Guests
      | № 26 | 27 June 2023 15:20 |
      + 0-
      1.47 - try 1.48 LOL. I think it's abandoned.
  8. ted nugget
    ted nugget Guests
    | № 25 | 6 April 2023 05:55 |
    + -2-
    uhhhhhhhh my map uhhhh ainta worken uhhhh ken uhhhh ya help me pleees 
  9. dummy
    dummy Guests
    | № 24 | 12 March 2023 04:38 |
    + +1-
    iv found a way of opening the map and the and the game wont crash by going in the mod go to the map and remove the custom map fixed the game form crashing but you need to get up the cool looking map and its out of sizes but roods steel work and the map works just fine

    1. dummy
      dummy Guests
      | № 23 | 12 March 2023 04:40 |
      + 0-
      sorry for my bad spelling

      and i hope this helps
      1. dummy
        dummy Guests
        | № 22 | 12 March 2023 04:43 |
        + +2-
        i forgot to say that parts this is the parts (remove map0 map1 map2 map 3 and map + the player icon) the player icon is replaced by the in game icon

    2. guess i am cunfused
      guess i am cunfused Guests
      | № 21 | 30 April 2023 07:49 |
      + 0-
      guess i am confused 0n how you did this in order to keep this from crashing
  10. naotomoya
    naotomoya Guests
    | № 20 | 26 February 2023 04:47 |
    + 0-
    my game always crashes when i activate it
  11. Guy Portenaert
    | № 19 | 27 January 2023 21:41 |
    + 0-
    Bonjour K-DOG, pour utiliser ce MultiMod, dois-je retirer tous les autres mods, C to C et Canadamania ? Pouvez vous m'expliquer, par mail, car ceci est compliqué pour moi, vu mon grand âge  j'ai des crash . Merci,  

    Citation : Guy Portenaert
    Bonjour K-DOG, pour utiliser ce MultiMod, dois-je retirer tous les autres mods, C to C et Canadamania ? Veuillez vous m'expliquer, par mail, car ceci est compliqué pour moi, vu mon grand âge j'ai des crash avec Alaska, et je désire surtout Alaska. Merci,  

  12. David Siebeneck
    David Siebeneck Guests
    | № 18 | 21 January 2023 23:49 |
    + +4-
    Hello K Dog and all the other modders that made this map I just wanted to let you Know that the game crashes when you go look at the map screen when doing a job every time since you up dated the map to work with 1.46 version of the game
  13. Guy Portenaert
    | № 17 | 21 January 2023 17:48 |
    + 0-
    Pour utiliser North America MultiMod v1.8c By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS  Faut-il supprimer les autres mods Canada ? Merci pour la response sur mon Email :
  14. rrankin
    rrankin Guests
    | № 16 | 28 December 2022 19:49 |
    + 0-
    I noticed it crashes and roads don't connect to north of Alaska map took out and run's fine. I guess my question is is there a support map to go to prudo bay or a fix?
  15. matthew
    matthew Guests
    | № 15 | 20 December 2022 08:07 |
    + -3-
    i have a friend from the uk that is trying to install this mod and she has done everything like it says and nothing is showing is this map not available for people in uk

    this map is a pain.  why in the world would you make us make r own file for the game and plus it dont work for convoys which in my opinion is stupid.  and yes i have tried everything keeps saying the wrong version for the convoy.  
  16. Big Bob
    Big Bob Guests
    | № 14 | 19 December 2022 21:39 |
    + 0-
    Quote: Big Bob
     Thanks for the work you do on this! I have a small deal I'm noticing, there a lot of BLACK SQUARES all over the map which I am assuming are hiway names and numbers, is there a fix for this? Not in a particular state, they are everywhere.

      I did some checking and it appears the blacked outemblems is when I run ATS in OpenGL. My system runs better and ATS runs smoother with the Glide drivers, if that helps any to know. If there is a fix, I would like to know if not I will just have to live with it.
  17. Big Bob
    Big Bob Guests
    | № 13 | 19 December 2022 17:28 |
    + 0-
     Thanks for the work you do on this! I have a small deal I'm noticing, there a lot of BLACK SQUARES all over the map which I am assuming are hiway names and numbers, is there a fix for this? Not in a particular state, they are everywhere.
  18. Mr.Swede
    Mr.Swede Guests
    | № 12 | 12 December 2022 14:06 |
    + +1-
    new updated video...

  19. Sebfrcan
    Sebfrcan Guests
    | № 11 | 9 December 2022 23:03 |
    + 0-
    is a K-Dog Map Mod Exist for ETS2 ? :P I cant wait for it !! Let me know if it Exist thanks :) !
  20. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 10 | 5 December 2022 17:24 |
    + +2-
    North America MultiMod for ATS North America MultiMod for ATS North America MultiMod for ATS

    The map was tested and updated with the latest game version 1.46 and works fine.

  21. Mr.Swede
    Mr.Swede Guests
    | № 9 | 5 December 2022 14:29 |
    + 0-
    The is an new updated version of this map out now. Dont know if its updated on this site tho...
  22. Eric John Hetherington
    | № 8 | 5 December 2022 06:19 |
    + +2-
    Don't download it, it does not work.
    1. Mr.Swede
      Mr.Swede Guests
      | № 7 | 12 December 2022 14:08 |
      + 0-
      It does work if you do it the right way...
      1. Mike
        Mike Guests
        | № 6 | 18 December 2022 21:50 |
        + 0-
        Did everything like explained in the video, but map doesn't show up in mod manager. so cant select it.
        1. admin
          admin Administrators
          | № 5 | 18 December 2022 23:24 |
          + +1-
          Try the method from the install:

          1. matt
            matt Guests
            | № 4 | 19 December 2022 20:08 |
            + 0-
            trying to send the file that i made after doing what it send and its not showing up for other people 

  23. Sebfrcan
    Sebfrcan Guests
    | № 3 | 29 November 2022 20:26 |
    + 0-
    Moncton on the Turn left Lane in the middle the car is bugged and dont turn at left at the green arrow ! K-Dog's please fix it if u can :) for Update 1.46.x :) thanks u are a genius !
  24. Ned
    Ned Guests
    | № 2 | 22 November 2022 07:42 |
    + +3-
    Love this setup, much easier than loading and organising 20 mods, Great work,
    Are you working on 1.46 update.
  25. Big Bob
    Big Bob Guests
    | № 1 | 15 November 2022 16:04 |
    + +6-
    Like the map, when us the update for 1.46 coming?
    1. Swede
      Swede Guests
      | № 0 | 4 December 2022 13:55 |
      + +1-
      North America MultiMod v1.8 By K-DOG (1.46.x) for ATS

      This IS the 1.46 as you can see...
  26. RT
    RT Guests
    | № -1 | 2 September 2022 19:34 |
    + +1-
    K-dog you have to take out discover Ontario messes up the whole mod you can't travel in Ontario at all cheers
  27. Espyorkshireman
    | № -2 | 28 August 2022 14:22 |
    + +1-
    I like the map i like it's size, :-)  bigger is certainly better with ATS/ETS2  but it keeps crashing (CTD)  just a small distance outside of phoenix Arizona,  coming from Los Angeles,

    Would it help if i made a screen shot of where i am,  or if i uploaded the dump file somewhere?

    Thx for creating these wonderful assets for the game which make a great game even better

  28. RT
    RT Guests
    | № -3 | 26 August 2022 04:21 |
    + +1-
    fix your map you can't even drive in Ontario take discover Ontario out no good 
  29. RT
    RT Guests
    | № -4 | 24 August 2022 09:14 |
    + +1-
    your map still crashes when you load it thought you should know not good i see you have discover ontario in there try taking that out cheers
  30. Chow says
    Chow says Guests
    | № -5 | 20 August 2022 20:40 |
    + +1-
     Alaska and Hawaii

      Alaska and Hawaii were missing. It didn't show  The United States maps.
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