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Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS 10

22-01-2025, 17:07
26 961
Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.53.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 22-01-2025, 17:07
Reason: Mod Updated to v5.0

Description about « Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS »:

Great America Map
Mod Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Great America Map - new high quality map with beautifull landscapes, scenery, roads, AI traffic and much more added to ATS game. This is the first release, so we expect more updated and new improvements to be added in the map. The Great America project is an addition to the default American Truck Simulator map, which complements the new US states. The author of this modification, by profession, is a geodesist engineer who creates maps. In his opinion, today there is no worthy map for ATS, which is why Voith has started developing a more detailed map with good textures and optimizations.

Features Great America Map:
- 1300 km of new roads and the state of Idaho;
- improvements and corrections on the map have been added;
- new objects, road signs, nature, highways and much more were added;
Adds new states and regions, including parts of the Midwest and Southeast of the United States.
- Detailed cities and towns with accurate layouts and landmarks
- Diverse landscapes including urban areas, rural farmlands, forests, and mountains.
- Attention to detail in road design, intersections, and natural scenery.
- New highways, interstates, and local roads to explore.
- Challenging routes that require careful navigation and driving skills.
- New industries and companies to deliver cargo to and from, reflecting the economic diversity of the new regions.
- Realistic and varied driving conditions, from busy urban streets to quiet country roads. 
- All maps DLC's required;

Changes in v5.0:
- Compatible with the latest game patch 1.53;
- A ton of bugs have been fixed across the entire map.

Tested on game version 1.53.x

Great America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATSGreat America Map by Voith for ATS
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Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS Great America Map v5.0 by Voith (1.53.x) for ATS

Changes in v4.8.1 (1.52.x):
- Compatible with the latest game patch 1.51 / 1.52;
- All missing roads in wyoming added wyoming is DONE!
- Totally new 1100 mile road added and rebuilded.
- Ýs 80 reopened with amazing quality ý try add all crosses and intersections and scenic towns.
- Rock Springs,Laramie,Rawlins and ton of scenic town added in wyoming.
- All interstate 80 rebuilded.
- Missing part of is-80 in nebraska added and this road rebuilded.
- Ton of bugs fixed all around map.
- Freightliner dealer problem fixed.
- Montana road connection improved
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v4.7 (1.50.x):
- Compatible with the latest game patch 1.50
- Nebraska DLC road connections added;
- Columbia(MO),Kirksville(MO),Moberly(MO) added;
- New roads added.
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v4.2 (1.48.x):
- Compatible with the latest game patch 1.48;
- Fixed bugs from previous version
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v4.0 (1.47.x):
- Leaked paid version for free;
- Compatible with the latest game patch 1.47
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v3.9 (1.46.x):
- Leaked paid version for free;
- compatible with the latest game patch 1.46
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v1.7.1 (1.39.x):
- Montana road connection problem and jackson problem fixed now you can go through montana via is-90
- Cody,Greybull,Yellowstone added.
- Yellowstone nat. park,Cody stone tunnel,Wind river reservation,bighorn nat. forest and all scenic landmarks added.
- Some speed limits fixed,Terrain gaps fixed and small ımprovements added.
- New 450 mile road added in mid and north wyoming.
- Next update all missing roads and citys in wyoming will be added and mid side of south dakota is gonna complete.

Changes in v1.7:
- ı25 completly rebuılded.
- ı90-ı25 road connection added(buffalo cross).
- us 26 casper-shoshoni road added.
- us 26 scottsbluff-I25 road rebulded(dwyer junction).
- Fort Collins-Cheyenne road connection added(I-25).
- Sterling-Nebraska road connection added(I-76).
- This area rebuılded is76-is80 cross added tho.
- Cheyenne(wy) rebuilded.
- Casper(wy) rebuilded.
- New road in north platte-broken bow(NE).
- As ı say before some roads and cities not showing in map but they are buılded all adding in this week part to part all new.
- File format change to .scs extract rar file and drag and drop great america 1.7.scs in your mod folder.
- Montana expansion road connection temporary disabled in wyoming.

Changes in v1.6.5:
- Mitchell(s dakota),Kadoka(s dakota) added.
- Gillette(WY) completly rebuilded.
- All ı-90 added except sioux falls(its coming next update)  its best quality interstate ı ever made ı try add all details,crosses,intersections,landscapes
- New 550 mile road added.
- Some iconic points added like Lake francis case in ı-90.
- Valentine gas station reworked,trees in there changed.
- Iowa sexton-waterloo far landscapes improved.
- Jackson(wy)-dubois(wy) road rebuılded.
- Storm lake(IA) new street lamps added.
- Rock spring(wy) ı-80 cross changed now no red light or stop.
- Platte(SD) street lamps added.
Download #1

Changes in v1.6:
- Yankton(s dakota),Platte(s dakota) added
- New road connection nebraska-south dakota fort randall dam added.
- New 600 mile high quality road added.
- 250 mile road reworked.
- Jackson(wy)-dubois(wy) and dubois-riverton roads rebuilded with real landscapes.
- Road names added all around map.
- New signs added all around map.
- İnvisible walls deleted in rapid city.
- Low poly vegetations change with high poly vegetations in nebraska.
- Stopping plane problem fixed.
Download #1  Download #2

Changes in v1.5.6:
- New reworked I-80 Utah-rock springs road connection added,rock springs city central added.
- Montana expansion ı-15,ı-90 road connection added.(montana-ga road connection file)
- Waterloo cross problem fixed.
- Some floatin objects fixed near broken bow(NE)
- Dubuque wrong way problem fixed
- Rapid city(south dakota),white river(south dakota) added.
- Badlands National Park added.
- Signification ımprovements added all states.
- Some nebraska low poly vegetations change with high polys.
Download #1  Download #2

Do you like this map?

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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  1. Bro
    Bro Guests
    | № 10 | 13 July 2024 00:22 |
    + +10-
    Not compatible with coast to coast!
    The choice is between this small map or the rest of the United States, 
    the choice is not difficult!
  2. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 9 | 19 June 2022 12:02 |
    + -1-
    Great America Map v3.0:
    - Watertown(SD),Brookings(SD),Jackson(MN),Mankato(MN),New Ulm(MN),Marshall(MN),Spirit Lake(IA) Added.
    - New company in Huron(SD)
    - Little rework on I-90
    - New roads and connection roads added.
    - All reported bugs fixed(ı share bugfix log for major ones).
    - IMPORTANT! we are ın open beta ıf you found any major bug,crash etc report me fastest as you can
    - Oregon,Washington and Utah Expansion coming couple days via new versions.
    - Im already workin on beta version when beta ends ı release new version with new content.

  3. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 8 | 27 December 2021 21:44 |
    + 0-
    Great America Map v2.8:
    - All reported bugs fixed.
    - Superior(NE), Salina(KS), Tallgrass prairie(KS), Worthington(MN), McPherson(KS) added.
    - New Road Connections added.
    - Adapted Game Version 1.43.

  4. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 7 | 27 October 2021 00:13 |
    + 0-
    Great America Map v2.6:
    - All bugs you guys reported fixed(cheyenne cross,buffalo hole etc..)
    - Ton of lanscape and general improvements.
    - Hays(ks),garden city(ks),dodge city(ks),scott city(ks),ness city(ks) added.
    - New 2 road connection between Colorado and Kansas.
    - Some performance improvements in Sioux Falls and all around map.

  5. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 6 | 20 September 2021 11:31 |
    + +1-
    Great America Map v2.5: 
    - Adapted wyoming dlc.
    - All bugs fixed. (crossholes etc..)
    - Sioux Falls(SD), Deadwood(SD), Mccook(NE), Oberlin(KS), Norton(KS), Phillipsburg(KS) added.
    - Missing weight stations added.


  6. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 5 | 19 July 2021 00:05 |
    + +1-
    Great America Map v2.0:
    - Whole nebraska roads rebuilded
    - Some nebraska citys rebuilded(Lincoln,Broken bow)
    - 5 new city-town added in nebraska(colombus,o'neil,mullen,alliance,lindsay)
    - Some roads all across map rebuilded.
    - Ton of landscape and general improvements added.
    - Adapted for 1.41 game version.
    - Some interstate road curves adjusted.
    - Dont forget extract .rar file .scs is inside

  7. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 4 | 28 March 2021 21:26 |
    + 0-
    Great America v1.9:
    - Pierre,eagle butte, huron added.
    - New scenic towns added to country roads.
    - South dakota finished(some north cities coming future with north dakota)
    - Adapted for new lighting system and 1.40 version of Ats
    - Maybe 100 or more bugs and performance optimisations.
    - Us 20 chadron-valentine road part rebuilded.

  8. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 3 | 19 January 2021 10:23 |
    + 0-
    Great America v1.8.3:
    - North blackhills area added
    - West and middle south dakota added.(West side of missouri river)
    - Buffalo,Mobridge,Philip added.
    - North platte dead end in intersection deleted.
    - Some terrain problems near cheyenne fixed.
    - Other parts of s dakota coming in january.

  9. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 2 | 23 December 2020 11:42 |
    + 0-
    Great America v1.8:
    - All missing roads in wyoming added wyoming is DONE!
    - Totally new 1100 mile road added and rebuilded.
    - İs 80 reopened with amazing quality ı try add all crosses and intersections and scenic towns.
    - Rock Springs,Laramie,Rawlins and ton of scenic town added in wyoming.
    - All interstate 80 rebuilded.
    - Missing part of is-80 in nebraska added and this road rebuilded.
    - Ton of bugs fixed all around map.
    - Freightliner dealer problem fixed.
    - Montana road connection improved(thx reconlobster he do)
    - Now ım focus finish south dakota also little reworks in nebraska and after s dakota ı start kansas.

  10. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 1 | 29 March 2020 15:49 |
    + 0-
    Changes in v1.3.5:
    - North platte,ogallala,scottsbluff added.
    - 400 mile(800 km)new high quality and biom road added to nebraska.
    - Wyoming ımproves added(bridges,signs,landmarkings).
    - Nebraska road signs will be added in next update.
    - Nebraska is more detailed than my old works ı try always ımprove my map qualıty.
    - I have little problem with my antique processor ıf you wanna support me you can premıum download ın share mods and support my work
    - I-80 nebraska route is poor quality ı rework this road(cheyenne-north platte) next update.
    - Next update ı complete all nebraska,ı wanna complete 2 state in april nebraska and surprıse country.