Changes in v1.9:- added support for Cabin Accessories DLC;
- fixed some bugs in external and internal interior models (like holes in geometry mainly);
- added new interior lamp models for KW W900 truck;
- added new interiors with KMH dashboards for Volvo VNL truck;
- added manual transmission model and animation for Volvo VNL truck;
- improved manual transmission animation for both KW and PB trucks;
- added missing parts for Volvo VNL like fuel tanks behind sideskirts, added missing fuel tank cap and DEF tank cap;
- improved numerous textures (diffuse and normal map ones) along all trucks;
- fixed holes in the geometry of basic mirrors model of Volvo VNL, rebaked mirrors texture as well;
- updated definition files - improved parts names mostly;
- added missing EN/US/RU localisation files, so all truck parts now have correct names;
- other changes i forgot
Download #1Changes in v1.8.1:Added compatibility with ATS 1.39
Various bug fixes
Download #1Changes in v1.8:- Much better interiors textures and materials;
- All trucks apart Volvo now have two interior types – with manual or with auto transmission;
- Dashboards with KMH or MPH speedometers;
- Completely new, better dashboard clusters textures;
- Added missing animations like throttle/brake pedals movement * or gear shifter switching;
- Added some different missing interior parts across trucks;
- Some external trucks parts were reworked, some – replaced completely with more quality models;
- Cobra cb radio with animated cord and different front panels;
- New animated drivers models;
- New textures for trucks light systems. New lightmasks for them as well;
- IFTA and CCI stickers for trucks;
- Added many missing shadows for interior parts like steering wheel/wheel column, dash panel, gear shifter sticks, interior visors, windshield wipers (also added shadows for external wipers model);
- Customizable GPS device: GPS map or static menu picture;
- Peoplenet tablet device added for all interiors;
- High quality external interiors, matching their internal analogue;
- New license plates models for all states (see Hints section for additional info);
- Working interior lighting for all trucks (see Hints section for additional info);
- 1800 degrees steering wheel rotation animation (see Hints section for additional info);
- Adjustable interior sun visors for all trucks (see Hints section for additional info);
- Clean log.
Download #1