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Iowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck Simulator

31-01-2025, 21:31

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Fields & Prairies" from the new upcoming map expansion Iowa DLC for American Truck Simulator game.

We know some of you are very excited about the Iowa map expansion, which is one of our upcoming map DLCs for American Truck Simulator. Now, we can finally reveal more on how the development of this map is going. In this blog, we would like to show you a glimpse of the Hawkeye State's nature!

Located in the upper Midwestern region of the USA, Iowa forms a bridge between the forests of the east and the grasslands of the prairie plains to the west. Saimon, the DLC's map lead, shared his thoughts on the state's nature from the research trip he and his team took in 2023. "The first thing that caught our attention were the expansive hills with terraced fields, picturesque farms with round silos, and countless wind turbines on the horizon."

Iowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck SimulatorIowa DLC - Fields & Prairies in American Truck Simulator

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