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ATS Update 1.31 was released

14-05-2018, 19:52
3 789

We are happy to give you official new updates for both our flagship truck sims, at last. Testing of this update wave took us longer than we had hoped, both internal tests and the open beta revealed a lot of areas requiring our attention before we could call the update done. There's quite a lot of new content and functionality for both games there, and we have run into some unexpected problems when things refused to work together.

Thumbs up to everyone who participated in the beta (for both of our games) and sent us his opinion and reported any issues. We would like to express our sincere thanks for all your help, bug reports, and general feedback, they were even more important and helpful than usual. After over a month full of testing, bug fixing, (and sometimes yelling and panicking), we're finally there. Update 1.31 is out for both of our games!

You can find the long and dry list of changes and additions below, but for those of you preferring moving pictures to written words, here is a very nice overview of the major changes in the 1.31 update courtesy of Squirrel's YouTube channel:

  • Power/air lines between truck and trailer(s) (read more)
  • More realistic mirror rendering (head position-based FOV)

ATS only:
  • New road through Yosemite added - CA-120 (read more)
  • New trailers (bottom dumpers)

ETS2 only:
  • Random road events
  • 8x4 Scania R and S truck chassis
  • New routes for Special Transport DLC missions (read more)
  • Mighty Griffin DLC aftermarket tuning parts for next-gen Scania S & R (read more)

  • Job selection screens have new filter and cargo search elements
  • Parking brake automatically ON after truck spawn (g_park_brake_init)
  • Screenshot name format now based on date and time
  • Increased precision trip data (dashboard computer display)
  • Fixed torque converter locking
  • Fixed damaged predefined trucks in dealers and quick jobs
  • Fixed trailer damage reporting
  • Fixed HDR interpolation

ETS2 only:
  • UK trailers no longer have a different license plate from the lorry
  • Faster gear shifting for new Opticruise transmissions
  • Fixed/updated license plates in various countries (Belgian, Norwegian, Polish, Czech)

  • New terrain brushes in the map editor
  • Dropped support of very old maps (pre ver. 4.38)
  • Mirror_data
  • A trailer can be registered as standalone or not 
  • Variable shift length
  • Truck dealer trucks are not in a single file/list anymore, the game reads all files/units in the given directory, making things friendlier for mods to coexist
  • Steerable wheel independent on wheel model 
  • Dropped support for old attributes

Make sure to OPT OUT of beta branches now and your game will be automatically updated on Steam. For the legacy non-Steam edition of ETS2, the update should be ready in a few days. Enjoy!

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