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Parallel Game Update

12-04-2016, 08:48
3 067

At last, updates 1.23 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and 1.2 for American Truck Simulator are live. We would like to thank everybody who participated in the extended open beta. We have received a huge amount of valuable feedback that made us re-engineer some elements of Steam Workshop support to make it more robust.

Let us recap the key features coming for both games with the this update wave:

  • Steam Workshop - an external hub which allows simple distribution of game modifications created by community. Thanks to Steam Workshop, you can download and install mods effortlessly from a safe and trusted place.
  • Ultimate Wheel Customization - We have split truck wheels models into multiple components: Tire and Disk separation was introduced recently, in addition to it we have added customization of sub-components of the disk: Hubs, Hub Covers and Nuts.
  • SCS Workshop Uploader app - Modding our games through Steam Workshop will require use of a dedicated tool for mod makers; a new dedicated Steam application - SCS Workshop Uploader. You can grab it from your Steam library under Tools category.

The list of changes and fixes is much longer, if you are interested in more details, check ATS and ETS2 changelogs:

  • [ETS2 only] Traffic offense can be disabled (option)
  • Navigation path (red line) can be disabled (option)
  • Disable of hidden Route Advisor popups (option)
  • Autopark feature can be disabled (option)
  • Speeding highlight on Route Advisor
  • Improved truck stability during retarder usage
  • Smart cruise control can use activated engine brake when no retarder is present
  • [ATS only] Fixed cruise control locked on by retarder
  • [ATS only] Multiple position of engine brake
  • [ATS only] Keyboard steering improved
  • [ETS2 only] Advanced shifting simulation
  • [ETS2 only] Real shifter layouts (Scania, Volvo, ZF). To activate them you need to use new profile or remove your custom H-Shifter layouts
  • [ATS only] Speed limits polished
  • [ATS only] Speed limits signs enlarged
  • [ATS only] Stop signs removed from traffic light controlled crossroads
  • [ATS only] Turn left traffic light added to some crossroads
  • [ATS only] Certified scales are now working
  • [ATS only] Traffic light on interstates removed (where possible)
  • AI improvements
  • [ATS only] Steam achievements for Nevada

Please also check our new modding wiki, to get the best advices for both games modding.

Steam version of the game will be updated automatically by default, unless you have changed the update preferences. Also if you are using any of the older betas of the game on Steam, you will stay in the beta and will not be automatically going through a game update.

It has been great to see so many mods appearing on Steam Workshop already during the open beta. For those of you not yet familiar with Steam Workshop, we have created the following short step-by-step video explaining the process of adding a mod to our game.



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