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ATS Mods » Maps ATS » Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS

Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS 4

26-02-2025, 16:21
60 175
Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.53.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 26-02-2025, 16:21
Reason: Mod Updated to v2.8.5.153

Description about « Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS »:

Team Reforma ATS
Mod Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Reforma Map - quality mod which combines maps in one pack for ATS players. Merging Pazz, Mexico Extremo, Mexxsimap, Viva Mexico and free parts of the Eblem beta into one map. Now you can download one pack, connect and play. Reforma map mod includes challenging roads in North America (the United States and Mexico), improves vast regions in California, Arizona, and Nevada, also adds some states in Mexico such as Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí and Nayarit.

Features Reforma Map:
- Now Viva Mexico and all addons for it in one Reforma map;
- Everything goes with one halyard Mega Resources is not needed;
- Added new roads, cities and areas;
- Added new models and textures;
- Added new cities and landscapes;
- The correct signs are installed on the American part of the map;
- Improvement of the scenery, especially in the old parts of the Sierra Nevada;
- Speed limits and traffic behavior adjusted;
- All map DLC's is required for this map (Utah, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico, Idaho, and Colorado)

Changes in v2.8.5.153:
- (reworked areas in Durango and Zacatecas), general bug fix from reports of different users, optimization, replacement of older props into new assets.
- Updated for new assets by Stephanie and Marco Esquivel among other minor fixes.

Tested on game version 1.53.x 

Reforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATSReforma Map for ATS
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Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS Reforma Map v2.8.5.153 (1.53.x) for ATS

Changes in v2.8.4.153 (1.53.x):
- Added premium (paid) version of the map.
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Changes in v2.8.2.153 (1.53.x):
- Fixed re-cache error
- Updated for new Reforma Baja
Download #1 | Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.8.1.153 (1.53.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.53
- NEW! The city of Torreon, Coahuila
- Compatibility update to ATS 1.53 and California update changes
- New Kenworth truck plant in Mexicali by Milton
- Mega Resources updated and fixed assets and textures to match 1.53 changes
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.7.8.152 (1.52.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.52
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Changes in v2.7.7.151 (1.51.x):
- *General fixes in the map and some optimization
- San Blas, Nayarit (New tourist dock at the beach)
- Fix for highway junctions near Tepic
- New gas station in Compostela
- Tepic city new tollbooth
- New bridge models (Acaponeta-Ruiz) over Mexico 15
- New vegetation look at Esquinapa, Acaponeta and Ruiz
- New vegetation look at Mazatlán-Culiacan highway
- Changes in Culiacán-Guasave highway
- Changes in Los Mochis main highway junction
- Changes in highway 15 Los Mochis-Navojoa
- Changes at inspection area of Querobabi
- Changes in Durango-Parral highway 45
- Improvements and new vegetaion in highway 45, Zacatecas-Durango
- Improved the city of Fresnillo, Zacatecas
- Changes in textures in SLP state
- Improvements over Rioverde-Tamuín highway in SLP
- New Kenworth truck plant in Mexicali.
- Improvements Mexicali-Santa Ana highway 2
- Improvements in Durango city, new chemical plant
- New road templates for welcoming signals in some states.
- Vegetation improvements in Durango-Mazatlán highway 40
- Improvements over all tollbooths in the map, fixed issue with buses crossing the toll.
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Changes in v2.7.4.150 (1.50.x):
- New cities added: Lagos de Moreno, Encarnación de Diaz
- Compatibility update to ATS 1.50
- MAJOR FPS improvements for new mod packaging procedures (tool provided by SCS), you will notice a MAJOR improvement over FPS counts (60 FPS capped), and game loading in all Reforma areas, this is great news!
- New map background that matches SCS's new UI changes
- Included into Reforma main mod Lagos de Moreno and Encarnación de Díaz. (which will be free)
- Mega Resources updated and fixed assets and textures to match 1.50 changes, major internal changes of the assets, if you are a map modder using MR assets and have troubles please let me know for help.
Download #2 | Download #3

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How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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  1. George
    George Guests
    | № 3 | 3 December 2022 20:42 |
    + -7-
    "Fixed bugs". LOL. What a joke. He fixed TWO bugs of i dont know, thousands? im amazed people still uses this mod :p the performance is completely laughable. Some modders have been working on the same maps for years and they still cant prioritize bug fixing and polishing before flooding the map with useless items all over the place. 
  2. RedeemerBlood
    RedeemerBlood Guests
    | № 2 | 22 August 2022 04:14 |
    + +1-
    There are some parts of this mod that are really impressive but it seems like in most cases they went for quantity over quality. I just can't recommend it. If you like C2C this will likely be right up your alley. But for me, there are just too many missing textures, pop-ins, floating, clipping and sunken buildings that show the lack of care that goes into each and every area like Promods or Great America takes so seriously. There are other issues too, like the very boarder crossing in Arizona has the crossing gates offset in the middle of the road so you can only cross on the very right lane, as well as the frequent AI traffic not driving in the actual lanes. There's more as well but I'll stop there. 
  3. John Griffin
    John Griffin Guests
    | № 1 | 31 December 2021 23:08 |
    + 0-
    I can't get this map to load no matter where I put Mega Resources and Reforms 2.2.5 V1.43. Is there something else to make this work?
    1. Sandy
      Sandy Guests
      | № 0 | 3 December 2022 20:44 |
      + -6-
      You are not missing anything. If you want your game to run smoothly, you better avoid this mod. As simple as that. Of course if you are one of those idiots who prioritize more stuff before smooth gameplay and immersion, yeah this mod is for you.