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American Truck Simulator Official Update 1.40 Released

23-03-2021, 16:19
10 448

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Official Update 1.40" for American Truck Simulator game. 

With lots of testing, feedback, fixing, and fine-tuning, we are excited to announce the highly anticipated arrival of update 1.40 for American Truck Simulator! 

We'd like to thank all those who took part in the 1.40 Open Beta, made bug reports, and provided general feedback on this new version. We hope you can now begin to fully enjoy the various new features which are included within this update. So, what can you expect to find in the 1.40 update for ATS? 

Changelog American Truck Simulator Update 1.40:

- New visual lighting system

- An overall update to road signage
- New service signs added to CO, ID, UT, and WA
- New fast food brands introduced to several other locations outside of CO
- New viewpoints in New Mexico & Oregon DLC's

- New 4x2, 8x4, and 8x6 chassis
- Western Star 49X update including sleeper variants, set-back configurations, and new customizations 

- Full-text city/company search in the job selection screen
- Improved vehicle adjustment menu (F4)

American Truck Simulator Official Update 1.40 American Truck Simulator Official Update 1.40 American Truck Simulator Official Update 1.40
American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released American Truck Simulator Update 1.40 released

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