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Chassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATS

2-02-2021, 23:28
2 238

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Chassis Update" from the upcoming update 1.40 for American Truck Simulator game. 

Happy 5th Birthday American Truck Simulator! It's incredible how time has flown since we released this newer trucking title in February 2016. Since that time we are proud to have brought you 9 U.S States (California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Idaho, Colorado) with 2 more in development, 7 major truck brands, and 13 DLC's such as Cabin Accessories and Special Transport

Chassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATSChassis Update in the upcoming Patch 1.40 for ATS

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  1. carlos r ruiz
    carlos r ruiz Guests
    | № 1 | 20 March 2021 19:16 |
    + +1-
    please hurry up to release this pakage, I want this update, 
    1. admin
      admin Administrators
      | № 0 | 21 March 2021 23:12 |
      + 0-
      Soon will be released!  smiling_imp