Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Revisited Photo Mode" for the upcoming Update 1.41 for American Truck Simulator game.
We know how much our players love to take photos! From rest stops to landmarks, our social media channels receive hundreds of photos each week of drivers on their virtual travels in Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator! That is why we are happy to share with you a peek at one of our upcoming features in development for the in-game photo mode in 1.41.
We understand that lots of you take your time to get the perfect shot, and for many, this also includes finding the right lighting conditions and weather. So to help create that perfect trucking memory, we have implemented a new feature that may save you quite a bit of time when it comes to using console commands!
Introducing the new Time and Weather options! Players will now be able to choose the conditions of their liking, to create the perfect trucking snap just by simply adjusting a new slider to change the time, or clicking on two buttons to control the lighting/weather, all of which will appear in the updated in-game photo studio. We can't wait to see how drivers will use this new feature in the future and we look forward to seeing your snaps!
Be sure to let us know in the comments your thoughts on this new feature. We look forward to sharing more upcoming 1.41 development news with you in the future!