Download mod Whelen Legacy + Code3 + Grill Strobes v1.6 (1.35.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.
Whelen Legacy + Code3 + Grill Strobes v1.6.0 compatible 1.35.
Trucks Supported:
-Freightliner Argosy (Lucasi)
-Kenworth T680
-Kenworth T610 (GTM)
-Kenworth T800 (GTM)
-Kenworth W900
-Kenworth W990 (Frank Peru (Edited by Harven)).
-Kenworth W900B (GTM)
-Peterbilt 389
-Peterbilt 389v2 (Viper2)
-Peterbilt 579 (TomDooley)
-Volvo VNL 2018 (Frank Peru)
-Volvo VNL 780(SCS)
-There will only be amber and white versions.
-No other trucks or cabins will be added now, maybe in the future.
-To use the grill strobes on the scs trucks, you might need the SCS trucks extra parts mod.
-Have tested on 1.35 with only this mod active, no problems found no game crash.
-Have also tested with dx11, could not see any problems.
Changes in v1.6.0:
-Added a Whelen Edge for the rack in the Special Transport mod.
Tested on game version 1.35.x