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ATS Mods » Maps ATS » Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x)

Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x) 0

27-11-2018, 09:05
3 547
Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x)
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.32.x
Credits: -

Description about « Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x) »:

Mexico Extremo v2.0.5 (Update) (1.32.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Do you want a challenge?
Here you have.
This mod adds extreme roads for American Truck Simulator game.

Changes in v2.0.5 (Update version):
-Special transport support (6 routes)
-Aguascalientes state added.
-Remodel of durango state enterely.
-New areas south of chihuahua state (rest of the state is WIP)
-New deliveir areas from oregon DLC assets (Oregon DLC needed)
-Remodel of extreme route in Canelas and Tamazula
-New remodel routes in Durango state, federal road 23, 45, 49 and state road 44.
-A maze! first in ATS, figurate out in Mapimi area called "Zona del Silencio"

-New urban and rural junctions in map
-17 new cities and remodels in 2.1 "Aguascalientes".

New version 2.0.5:
-Fixed some invisible walls in different areas.

**NEW MEXICO DLC NEEDED**For the moment no need for Oregon DLC.

-Viva México Map 2.4.8 (LINK)
- MEGA Resources v2.0.3 

**Other mods such vehicles, trailers, skins, etc
Mega Resources 2.0.3
Mexico Extremo 2.0.5
Viva Mexico 2.4.8
**OTHER MAP MODS such CanaDream or Coast2Coast

Eblem Torres - general edition of Mexico Extremo map.
Raúl Martínez - especial editions, testing and quelity improvements.

*Special thanks
Hugo César Cabrera - author Viva México Map

Tested on game version 1.32.x

Mexico Extremo v2.0.5Mexico Extremo v2.0.5Mexico Extremo v2.0.5Mexico Extremo v2.0.5

  • Screens
Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x) Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x) Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x) Mexico Extremo Map v2.0.5 (Update) for ATS (1.32.x)

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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