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ATS Mods » Accesories ATS » Parts - Tuning » Kacper's Engine Pack Modification v2.43 for Ats [1.29.x]

Kacper's Engine Pack Modification v2.43 for Ats [1.29.x] 0

13-11-2017, 18:27
2 108
Kacper's Engine Pack Modification v2.43 for Ats [1.29.x]
Category - Parts - Tuning
Game Version - v1.29.x
Credits: -

Description about « Kacper's Engine Pack Modification v2.43 for Ats [1.29.x] »:

Kacper's Engine Pack Modification v2.43 for Ets2 1.28.x and Ats 1.29.x game version

This is an engine pack which is compatible with more than 60 different trucks including the standard ones from SCS.
The Engine Pack works with Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.
Some engines recieved custom sound but most are stock.
Badges are compatible with all trucks that have them.

New version 2.43: 
-Made DAF XF 50K Compatible
-Added a DAF XF 50K Engine to DAF XF E5 and E6
-Added compatibility for the new DAF XF E6 Facelift Engines (2017)
-Fixed Badges for DAF XF E6
-Added Compatibility to American Truck Simulator
-Added American Engines to Volvo FH16 Classic

This modification is compatible with all your favourite trucks. 
Every update new trucks are being added and bugs are getting fixed.
If you like an engine mod which is realistic then you should try this out.

Load Order:
This mod has its own special load order due to overwriting done to the def files, This mod has
to go on "TOP" of all your favourite "TRUCKS" or else the mod will not function properly.
EXAMPLE : Some things like badges, Sound and even engines could be missing.
  • Screens
Kacper's Engine Pack Modification v2.43 for Ats [1.29.x]

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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