Freightliner Classic XL v2.2 Edited by Truckercharly for American Truck Simulator game.
Changes in v2.2:
– added 3 different versions of the truck: one old, used truck, one new standard and one new luxery truck.
– some parts are not available for the used truck (can you configure a used car, build long time ago?)
– 3 different interiors, which are not changable between this 3 versions. The used truck keeps a used truck and also the others.
– for the used truck are only used engines available
– 4 kinds of steering wheels for all trucks
– added slots to the front grill and to some bumpers
– added the collisions for advanced coupling (maybe shown in a different video)
– added engines with sound by Kriechbaum
– added the Long Tube from scania 143M (author maybe Ekualizer?)
– added bumperguides, taken from the Peterbilt 389 (dont know the author :-( )
– NO female passangers for the old, used truck (which girl enters so an old vehicle? ;-), female passangers possible for std and lux version only
I hope that this truck is an inspiration to create more used trucks, or mods with different versions of the truck. The inspiration for this truck, was the Freightliner FLB+ by Slipaiis, and the same new truck by Solaris36, which was parted on 2 garage slots. I like old and used trucks. So mean, not only old TYPES of trucks, no, mean USED and old trucks, with clear signs of extensive usage. Realy old workhorses, with the taste and smell of long trips, long history of usage and trucks they looks like they can tell much storys. Trucks with a touch of adventures, long time ago. Trucks with character. :-)
If you have in your garage earlier versions of the freightliner classic xl , you must they sale out complete before activating this mod, or the game crashes to desktop. The reason: the folderstructure is been changed, so that the game can no longer find the parts of your previous trucks and crashes to desktop. If you saled all FL Classic XL out, you can activate and buy the truck. Think there on also in other profiles.
Solaris36, Softclub-NSK, Oleg Conte, Sergej Baltazar, dmitry68, Kriechbaum, Odd_fellow, Ventyres, John Ruda, memes, John Ruda, Drive Safely, Slipaiis, Truckercharly, Skiner, Direct Modding, Lucasi, Wadethe3rd, Pauly, Imperator3, MixaSen, TKK5050-3Chome, LucasI_, EviL