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ATS Mods » Trucks ATS » Volvo VNL » Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth

Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth 0

15-04-2016, 22:07
4 045
Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth
Category - Volvo VNL
Game Version - v 1.2.x
Credits: -

Description about « Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth »:


- It's compatible with ATS v1.2+
- You can find the truck in VOLVO Dealer. (San Francisco and Las Vegas, you need to discover the dealers first.)
- The truck is available for quick jobs and it's standalone.
- This mod is completely error free on both MAC and Windows.
If you see crash or errors, it's definitely not releated to this mod.
CHANGELOG v1.4.1 (April 15)
- Fixed OpenGL crash.
- Fixed texture of airhoses. (Thanks to RJL)
- Added internal view of side window deflectors.
- Collision box at the back of the cabin adjusted again.
- File size and internal loading time reduced. (Thanks to SiSL and Solutech for the hints)
- Thank you everyone who helped me patiently while i was learning SCSBT wink


Aradeth, Kriechbaum, ohaha, Martinezio, Piva, Ventyres, ZilpZalp, Nordisch, cZak, Samson, Scania124L, loogie,
kamaz, Snekko, TruckManiac, Malcom37, Peerke 145, vovangt4 ,AU44, None, Nado, Big Bob, AlexeyP, SCS


*Skin template

  • Screens
Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth Volvo VNL 670 v1.4.1 for ATS by Aradeth

Tags: Aradeth

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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