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Arkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATS

14-08-2024, 09:48

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,New & Reworked Industries" from the new upcoming map expansion ,,Arkansas DLC" for American Truck Simulator game.

Another day, another blog about the upcoming Arkansas DLC for American Truck Simulator! Get ready to explore new and reworked industries as we dive deeper into the Natural State. Truckers delivering into Arkansas will encounter two new types of depots as well as some reworked ones, so let's take a look.

Near the city of El Dorado, players will come across the only bromine factory in the state. This area of Arkansas has unusually high levels of this chemical element making the state responsible for 40% of the world's bromine supply.

Arkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATSArkansas DLC - New & Reworked Industries in ATS

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