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Arkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATS

21-03-2024, 12:37

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Cities #2" from the new upcoming map expansion ,,Arkansas DLC" for American Truck Simulator game.

We're happy to bring you another sneak peek into our upcoming Arkansas DLC for American Truck Simulator. In this blog, we want to showcase another batch of charming Arkansas cities that truckers will be able to explore, following our previous blog about cities in Arkansas.

Fayetteville, the second-largest city in Arkansas, offers truckers a glimpse into the heart of a lively college town. As you navigate through its downtown area, you'll encounter a landscape dotted with beautiful churches, bustling banks, and the iconic courthouse. Fayetteville's vibrant atmosphere and rich cultural heritage make it a must-visit destination.

Arkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATSArkansas DLC - Cities #2 in ATS

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