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ATS Mods » Trucks ATS » Other trucks » Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS

Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS 21

25-06-2023, 22:05
11 941
Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS
Category - Other trucks
Game Version - v1.47.x
Credits: -

Description about « Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS »:

Mod Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v1.0 (1.47.x) for American Truck Simulator game.

Features Truck:
- Autonomous;
- Purchased from Peterbilt dealer and mods;
- Baking textures;
- Various cabins;
- Various chassis;
- Different types of engines;
- Different types of checkpoints;
- Painted;
- Support for DLC Cabin Accessories;
- Large selection of tuning and accessories.

  • Screens
  • Videos
Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS Pizzster Damo 389 Truck + Skins v3.0 (1.47.x) for ATS

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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  1. Ratman
    Ratman Guests
    | № 10 | 3 May 2024 01:16 |
    + 0-
    update for 1.49 please, Thanks a lot
  2. ZeckerBlade
    ZeckerBlade Guests
    | № 9 | 12 October 2023 02:30 |
    + +2-
    Please Version 1.48 , i cant play... T_T
  3. fernando
    fernando Guests
    | № 8 | 21 August 2023 20:12 |
    + +3-
    por favor, você pode disponibilizá-lo para a versão 1.48?

    please can you make it available for version 1.48
  4. TheRealThunderDiesel
    | № 7 | 17 August 2023 07:42 |
    + -8-

    this is the real thunderdiesel all my proper socials are listed on this profile if you see anyone that is not bearing the real thunderdiesel name with the correct sosical links please contact me at
    this is my REAL discord so please be respectful and message me as i have proof of all my modding site profiles having never leaked any paid mods
  5. ThunderDiesel
    ThunderDiesel Guests
    | № 6 | 16 August 2023 23:04 |
    + +2-
    imagine using my name because your to much of a pu$$y to use your own name tyssanfury aka fury gaming all butthurt because i exposed you for leaking mods if anyone wants proof its fury gaming contact me on discord i am in pissters discord and i have all the screenshot proof of fury gaming leaking mods 
  6. DR
    DR Guests
    | № 5 | 10 August 2023 22:18 |
    + +7-
    update for 1.48 please. 
    1. DESSO
      DESSO Guests
      | № 4 | 11 August 2023 10:41 |
      + +4-
      Try the truck from Rollin, it's just as high quality as this one! 
  7. DESSO
    DESSO Guests
    | № 3 | 27 July 2023 15:37 |
    + +17-
    Quality modification but unfortunately does not want to work after updating to 1.48. If the author has the opportunity to update it, I would be grateful! 
    1. jeff
      jeff Guests
      | № 2 | 28 July 2023 06:04 |
      + +11-
      its a 90 usd paid mod, this is a leak
      1. xotiic92
        xotiic92 Members
        | № 1 | 28 July 2023 18:00 |
        + +11-
        Wow $90 for that lol I will stick with Rudas and the Rollin. Never did like this one had no idea it was $90
        1. DESSO
          DESSO Guests
          | № 0 | 29 July 2023 17:32 |
          + +11-
          Rollin is worth much more than this one, unless of course we are talking about a replica from ReneNate that works once in a while or not at all
          1. xotiic92
            xotiic92 Members
            | № -1 | 29 July 2023 18:59 |
            + +12-
            I have rollin, not through him though no way would I pay $100 for an SCS edit. Yeah its got a ton of fancy bells and whistles but not worth the price tag in my opinion. Got a key for rollin and I just wait for his truck to be put here or ModHub. 3D modeling is not hard at all. If I knew how ATS model hierarchy worked, I would also make truck edits and charge maybe $20 for it if that hell maybe even $15. Just have no idea how their hierarchy works. 
            1. DESSO
              DESSO Guests
              | № -2 | 31 July 2023 13:45 |
              + +12-
              I know how it is organized since I familiarized myself with the purpose of developing my own package of various toys similar to SISL but slightly different. There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to have free time and the availability of all the necessary software, which is absolutely free of charge
  8. Miami Trucking
    Miami Trucking Guests
    | № -3 | 18 July 2023 18:40 |
    + +15-
    Doesn't work sadly on 1.48 =(
    DUDALVES Guests
    | № -4 | 2 July 2023 16:21 |
    + +31-
    I installed this mod, very beautiful and with a lot of equipment options, but I realized that this mod has a problem or is missing some file or complement, because I start the game, it works normally and after a few minutes the game closes, I installed this mod in the game pure without or any other mod to not cause conflict, because it is a paid mod is the key file missing, that's why it closed out of nowhere, I already changed the position of the files in the mod manager and the same problem continues
    1. DESSO
      DESSO Guests
      | № -5 | 7 July 2023 10:40 |
      + +28-
      Good truck. About the crashes from the game I can say that there is a solution to this problem, found on YouTube, there need to make a prescription in Steam as parameter launch specific + fix one line in the file config and everything will work!
  10. Duvstep
    Duvstep Guests
    | № -6 | 25 June 2023 21:55 |
    + +32-
    Can you do the same with the rollin 389? Tired of renenate's trash mods
    1. Duvstep
      Duvstep Guests
      | № -7 | 28 June 2023 05:07 |
      + +33-
      and also paying insane amounts of money for a virtual truck.
    2. xotiic92
      xotiic92 Members
      | № -8 | 30 July 2023 09:31 |
      + +13-
      Rollin was on here but I'm sure he got it taken down. Downloaded it when it was up. Luckily I still had the key file from another build works just fine.
      1. 0.0
        0.0 Guests
        | № -9 | 11 August 2023 14:25 |
        + +4-
        rolling got leaked its everywhere now with the key and someone already unlocked all the files for it
        1. DESSO
          DESSO Guests
          | № -10 | 11 August 2023 18:13 |
          + +4-
          Not that leaked info, but the truck itself is out there in the vastness of modification sites. So it can be found if desired. But the Pizzster model is a strong competitor to the Rollin.