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ATS Mods » Trucks ATS » Mack » Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS

Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS 0

17-11-2020, 19:08
5 051
Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS
Category - Mack
Game Version - v1.39.x
Credits: -

Description about « Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS »:

Download mod Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Mack Anthem - high quality truck model by SCS Software with custom changes and new improvements provided by ,,Kittybitz" for ATS players. This is it nothing more nothing less, it is the KMCL (Karlia Mc Logistics Mack Anthem), if you want to customize a Anthem then this is NOT the truck for you, there is vanilla SCS one in ATS that customizes nicely. The Mod contains a number of obvious and not so obviouse fixe's that "repair" the visual faults that SCS have made and have yet gotten around to fix.

Features Mack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz:
- independent truck model
- High quality 3D model
- High quality detailed exterior
- High quality detailed interior
- the model has own interior
- the model has own wheels
- the model has own sound
- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
- animation parts on interior
- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
- the choice of chassis configuration
- the choice of power engine
- the choice of transmission, gearbox
- the choice of wheels and rims configuration
- the choice of cabins
- the choice of chassis
- the choice of color body color / metallic paint
- correct position of the Mack logo
- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
- The correct position of the player
- Tuning and accesories present
- Interior accesories support
- Cables trailer support
- Advanced coupling support
- Supports all major functions of the game
- buy from Acces Mod dealer

Tested on game version 1.39.x

Mack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATSMack Anthem Truck by Kittybitz for ATS
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Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS Mack Anthem Truck v0.86.5 by Kittybitz (1.39.x) for ATS

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How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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