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Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS

13-10-2020, 00:17
2 520

Fresh news from SCS Software presenting ,,Denver city" from the upcoming Colorado DLC for American Truck Simulator game. 

A trip to Colorado is not complete without a visit to the state's capital city. Located where the prairies of the Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains, Denver is home to an array of historic locations, attractions, and most importantly for truckers, industries! 

Nicknamed the Mile High City, Denver features accurate representations of famous landmarks and industries for drivers to discover and deliver cargo to, in our upcoming Colorado DLC for American Truck Simulator

One of the largest contributors to the local economy is Denver International Airport, which our designers say is one of the best representations of an airport we have in our game to date. Drivers can expect to see lots of details around the airport including Denver's famous horse statue. Truckers can also deliver to and from a fan-favorite cargo drop off point, located in the inside of a large cargo aircraft. 

Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS Colorado DLC - Denver city for ATS

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