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Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x) 0

30-07-2020, 16:41
2 154
Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x)
Category - Parts - Tuning
Game Version - v1.38.x
Credits: -

Description about « Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x) »:

Download mod Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x) for ATS | Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.

Redds Corner StylePak - this mod is an add-on which contains various accesosiers and changes for Mack CHU613 truck.

StylePak Sampler "contains:
- Cobra CB radio with red illumination.
- New cockpit interior (OXblood) in addition to the original version.
- New custom painted rear wing.
- New front bumper. 2 options. With fixed lighting and additional slots.
- New chrome exterior Mack emblem located at the front directly in front of the air filters.
- New rear set of mudguards.
- Dashboard redesigned with 85 mph speedometer speed and other improvements.
- 3 new gear levers (18, 13 and 10 speeds) M-Drive plate is removed when stick offset is selected.
- 5 new cockpit interior colors in addition to the original version, for a total of 7
(Classic Deer Skin, OXblood, Pebble, Style Blue and Style Red).
- 3 new front bumpers in Chrome and Truckpaint (Rawhide, Moose and Bullbar).
- 3 new rear fenders in chrome and lacquered finish.
- 2 new exterior chrome emblems.
- New Lighthouse.
- New set of tools in Chrome, Paint and Diamond Plate
- New headache stand with diamond finish.
- 147 unique Cobra CB backlit radio configurations.
- Cable stand and floor box in addition to standard cables.
- New interior camera views.

Changes in v2.1:
-  Compatibility update for the Mack CHU613 v2.4 Truck 
- adapted to the latest game version 1.38

Tested on game version 1.38.x 
  • Screens
Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x) Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x) Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x) Redds Corner StylePak for Mack CHU613 v2.1 (1.38.x)

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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