Truck Physics v0.2.3 By Alex Kazak (1.40.x) for ATS 1
Category - Other mods ats
Game Version - v1.40.x
Credits: - Alexandr Kazak
Last edited by: admin - 26-04-2021, 23:45
Reason: Mod Updated to v0.2.3
Reason: Mod Updated to v0.2.3
Description about « Truck Physics v0.2.3 By Alex Kazak (1.40.x) for ATS »:
Download mod Truck Physics v0.2.3 By Alex Kazak (1.40.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.
Truck Physics - The modification brings the behavior of the truck and trailer to realistic (as far as the game engine allows). The changes affected the physical properties of the chassis suspension of the truck and trailer, as well as pneumatic seats (rocking chamber), brakes and transmission.
Features Truck Physics:
- the cab suspension stroke is set;
- damping of the cab suspension;
- lateral stability of the cab;
- maximum tilt angles of the cab forward/backward;
- damping and running of the truck and trailer suspension;
- the stiffness of the lateral stability;
- maximum temperature of the brake pads and their wear;
- redesigned transmission;
- redesigned accelerator pedal;
- adjusted air resistance and inertia;
- changing the rotation of the front wheels angle
- compatibility with all default SCS trucks
Changes in v0.2.3:
Changed (v0.2.1 -> v0.2.3)(file "BASE"):
- Fixed file name "trAck" to "trUck"
- Increased forward and backward movement of the driver's body
- Improved the movement of the pneumatic seat (on large unevenness, the seat moves smoother and more realistic)
- Changed the steering wheel sensitivity settings for those who play the keyboard (the truck is better controlled both at low speeds and at high speeds)
Changed (v0.2.1 -> v0.2.3)(file "BASE WINTER"):
- Everything is done the same as in the main file "BASE", as well as:
- Changed longitudinal slip coefficient
- Changed the cross slip coefficient
Updated (file "DLC"):
- Volvo VNL 2018 by Franck Peru & Galimim
- Volvo VNR 2018 by Franck Peru & Galimim
Removed support for mod trucks ("DLC" file):
- Volvo VNL Reworks by Capital
Tested on game version 1.40.x