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ATS Mods » Gameplay ATS » Mapa MTS v5.8 (Realismo al Extremo) - American Truck Simulator

Mapa MTS v5.8 (Realismo al Extremo) - American Truck Simulator

10-05-2020, 17:39
1 915

Gameplay videos presenting Mapa MTS v5.8 (Realismo al Extremo) for American Truck Simulator game.

Mapa MTS is a paid 1:19 scale standalone map that requires both Viva la France and the Scandinavia DLC. It includes its on traffic mod, bus mod and support owned trailers and of course the cargo market. This map resembles the Mexican maps we know from ATS but with its own twists (no pun intended) and landscape. The map requires you to create a profile on its website before you can buy it.

This is a Paid Mod!!! 

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