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ATS Mods » Maps ATS » Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x)

Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x) 0

4-03-2020, 12:58
3 302
Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x)
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.36.x
Credits: -

Description about « Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x) »:

Mod Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Mapa Americano Destino Final - The map was from 1.6 and I updated all prefab models to Dx11 and code correction and I wanted to change the name of the map previously called Peru the map is or was Elvis Mandariaga however it was a dead project and I wanted to revive it completely and I wanted to put Final Destination since I like the amount of curves that the map has is small but entertaining that will make you excited the routes especially if you have a steering wheel

You can contribute according to the options to test the map remember that providing support to continue reliving projects with the difference that you can try them first of all, after a long time it will be free.

Installation Order is not necessary to create a new profile you can use the one you are using; To travel to the map you must go to San Simon Ferry or Ukiah. 

Tested on game version 1.36.x

Mapa Americano Destino Final for ATSMapa Americano Destino Final for ATSMapa Americano Destino Final for ATSMapa Americano Destino Final for ATS
  • Screens
Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x) Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x) Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x) Mapa Americano Destino Final v1.0 (1.36.x)

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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