Darker Nights Add-on v1.4 for Realistic Graphics Mod (1.37.x) 0
Category - Graphics - Environments
Game Version - v1.37.x
Credits: - Frkn64 Modding
Last edited by: admin - 3-06-2020, 21:07
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.4
Reason: Mod Updated to v1.4
Description about « Darker Nights Add-on v1.4 for Realistic Graphics Mod (1.37.x) »:
Download mod Darker Nights Add-on v1.4 for Realistic Graphics Mod (1.37.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.
Darker Nights Add-on - this mod make nights more darker and realistic for ATS game.
Features mod Darker Nights Add-on:
- This addon makes nights fully darker.
- This addon must have higher priority than Realistic Graphics Mod in Mod Manager to work.
Changes in v1.4:
– Added support for Realistic Graphics Mod v5.0
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
This addon cannot work together with No-Bloom Add-on of Realistic Graphics Mod! One of the addons will not work properly when both addons are used together.
Please respect our work by following these rules;
– If you want to share the mod on other websites, share with the original download links below.
– Don’t re-upload the mod to any cloud storage website.
– If you edit the mod files, don’t share it on the web. Keep it only on your computer.
Thanks for your attention.
Tested on game version 1.37.x