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ATS Mods » Trucks ATS » Mack » Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS

Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS 5

11-01-2025, 19:48
41 465
Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS
Category - Mack
Game Version - v1.53.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 11-01-2025, 19:48
Reason: Mod Updated to v2.3.5

Description about « Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS »:

Mod Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Mack R Series - was a Class 8 heavy-duty truck first introduced in 1966, by Mack Trucks, to replace the very successful Mack B Model. The first R models introduced were powered by Mack Thermodyne diesel and gasoline engines. In 1973 the R cab was given a makeover to include a deeper rear wall for more room and a new dashboard design. The mod uses parts from RTA's Mack Superliner interior - namely: interior upholstery and interior cab body models. The rest of the interior is made from scratch, this includes: dashboard, all gauges, switches and knobs, labels, steering wheel with column and attached sticks, gear shifter, heater and seats, roof vent hatch, floor mats and pedals. All animations are also made from scratch. 

Features Mack R Series:
- independent truck model
- High quality 3D model
- High quality detailed exterior and interior
- High quality rims & 3D tires
- High quality mirrors reflection
- Correct exhaust smoke position
- Correct plate license position 
- the model has own interior, sound, wheels
- the choice of engine power
- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
- animation parts on interior
- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
- the choice of chassis configuration
- the choice of power engine (6 engines)
- the choice of transmission, gearbox (13 transmissions)
- the choice of wheels and rims configuration
- the choice of cabins (2 types)
- the choice of chassis (5 types)
- the choice of interiors (2 types)
- the choice of color body color / metallic paint / skins
- correct position of the Mack logo
- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
- The correct position of the player
- Tuning and accesories present
– Interior accesories support
- Cables trailer support
- FMod sound support
- Window animation support
- Supports all major functions of the game
- Buy from Volvo or Acces Mod dealer

Changes in v2.3.5:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.53 (Unofficial Update)

Tested on game version 1.53.x

Mack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATSMack R Series Truck by Harven for ATS
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Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS Mack R Series Truck v2.3.5 by Harven (1.53.x) for ATS

Changes in v2.3.4 (1.51.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.51
- Added interior shadow proxy for interior shadow improvements;
- Added support for a few interior acessories (from steam inventory).
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.3.3 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.3.2 (1.49.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.49
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.3.1 (1.48.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.48;
- Updated models and truck data.

Changes in v2.3 (1.47.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.47
 Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.3 (1.46.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.3 (1.45.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.45
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.2 (1.44.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.44
Download #2 | Download #3

Changes in v2.1 (1.43.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43

Do you like this truck?

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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  1. Duvstep
    Duvstep Guests
    | № 5 | 25 November 2023 01:32 |
    + +1-
    When the payware stuff gets updated for 1.49 please do not hesitate to upload them; you guys are saving a lot of us a ton of money
  2. JD Sterling
    JD Sterling Members
    | № 4 | 23 July 2023 19:51 |
    + +2-
    Awesome truck mod! Especially with Kriech's E9 V8!
  3. admin
    admin Administrators
    | № 3 | 28 August 2021 15:12 |
    + +3-
    Mack E7 Straight pipe sound for Mack R Series Truck by Harven.

    - Mack E7 250-460hp engines with straight pipe sound
    - Detailed sound in engine, exhaust, turbo
    - Extra feature for more realistic sound

    Credits: Slavthailand

  4. samuel scs
    samuel scs Guests
    | № 2 | 27 July 2021 19:15 |
    + +1-
    si me suena el motor lo dejo si no calificare esto como el peor mod
  5. Diehard Trucker
    Diehard Trucker Members
    | № 1 | 1 April 2021 18:44 |
    + +2-
    4k Video Review