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Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS 1

23-07-2019, 13:48
4 032
Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS
Category - Volvo VNL
Game Version - v1.35.x
Credits: -

Description about « Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS »:

Download mod Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Volvo VNL 300, 430, 630, 670, 730, 780, VT 830, 880
- 8 cabins
- 5 chassis
- Its own tuning.
- Volvo dealers, mod dealers.
- Painting support, including metallic.
- Advanced Coupling System support.
- Trailer cables support.
- DLC Steering Creations Pack included.
- Warning flags and front banner included.
- Horns included.

Changes in 1.4+
- Updated: for ATS 1.35.x;
- Fixed: multiple fixes and corrections, DX11 adaptation;
- Added: trailer cables, warning flags, front banners for all the bumpers, VT830 cabin, 8x4 chassis for VT830 cabin, some accessories for this chassis, horns, VNL630 (two variants of) to AI truck traffic, DLC Steering Creations Pack;
- Revised: trucks' and some accessories' models and files;
- Changed: some changes for the truck model and for some accessories' models, added collision for headache racks;
- Deleted: some useless files.

Before adding this mod to the game, you have to sell all the Volvo VNL trucks from previous version of the mod and save your profile!
Then you must disable the related version in the mod manager and activate this version!
Then load the game and buy the truck again, provided that you want to use your old save.
Otherwise you will meet crashes of the game, because of too many new things in this mod, including changes in the registration! 
If you start a new profile, no manipulations with the mod will be required.

Any complaints about game crash when not performing the above mentioned actions will not be considered!


BSA Junk Yard Revision notes:
- The mod based on Volvo VNL Truck Shop version 1.4 for ETS2;
- Updated: 
up to v1.4.3 mod by chashkin23 features;
- Fixed: 
multiple fixes;
- Added: 
trailer cables, warning flags, front banners for all the bumpers, VT830 cabin,
8x4 chassis for VT830 cabin (Warning: The chassis is not intended for short trailers hauling,
it is just not able to couple with them), some accessories for this chassis, VNL630 (two variants of) to AI truck traffic;
- Revised: compatibility of all the truck accessories with each other;
- Changed: t
ruck model file (to separate cabin details from chassis ones in it), addresses for
accessories (to prevent its messing up with similar in the other mods), mod's internal name
(in order it corresponds to the name of the real truck, but differs from that of default Volvo VNL's),
variants in companies, some icons, smth. else (do not remember it already);
- Deleted: 
some useless files.


Mod author: BigBob, SCS
Adaptation for ATS: chashkin23
Tuning and improvements of the model: Andrew Chashkin. (chashkin23)
Sounds: Kriechbaum, odd_fellow, SCS
Onboard computer: piva
& some others.

Special thanks to everyone who helped me to master ZModeler and 3DS Max, 
as well as assisted with the creation of the mod: Vladislav Krankel-Varter, Denis Zobnin (DANZ), Dmitry Muhanov (Stels).

BSA Junk Yard Revision: blacksitearea 

Tested on game version 1.35.x

  • Screens
Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS Volvo VNL Truck Shop v1.4+ (BSA Revision) (1.35.x) for ATS

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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