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ATS Mods » Trucks ATS » Peterbilt » Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x)

Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) 13

5-10-2024, 12:04
16 399
Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x)
Category - Peterbilt
Game Version - v1.51.x
Credits: -
Last edited by: admin - 5-10-2024, 12:04
Reason: Mod Updated to v3.1

Description about « Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) »:

Mod Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.

Peterbilt 352 - quality american truck mod improved and revised by author ,,CyrusTheVirus" for ATS players. The Peterbilt 352 is an American cab-over-engine truck designed by the Peterbilt Motors Company over half a century ago. Developed with precision, passion, and dedication, the Peterbilt 352 Truck Reworked mod introduces a variety of enhancements, updates, and refinements to the original truck model, elevating its visual quality, performance, and overall appeal within the ATS environment.

Features Peterbilt 352:
- Independent truck model
- High quality 3D model
- High quality detailed exterior
- High quality detailed interior
- High quality rims & 3D tires
- High quality mirrors reflection
- Correct exhaust smoke position
- Correct plate license position 
- the model has own interior
- the model has own sound
- the model has own wheels
- present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
- the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat
- the choice of color body color / metallic paint / skins
- the choice of power engine
- the choice of transmission, gearbox
- the choice of wheels and rims
- the choice of chassis
- the choice of cabins
- correct position of the Peterbilt logo
- Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals
- The correct position of the player
- Tuning and accesories present
- Interior accesories support
- Cables trailer support
- Cabin Accesories DLC support
- FMod sound support
- Supports all major functions of the game
- Buy from Peterbilt or Acces Mods dealer

Changes in v3.1:
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.51;
- Added interior shadows feature;
- Fixed missing sunshield lights;
- Adjusted interior camera initial position.

Tested on game version 1.51.x

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Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x) Peterbilt 352 Truck v3.1 Reworked by CyrusTheVirus (1.51.x)

Changes in v3.0 (1.50.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.50;
- Windows are openable but not visible by the interior (only sound effect).
- A lot of corrections.
- Fixed GPS.
- Fixed beacons.
- Fixed dashboard.
- Fixed mirrors.
- Fixed cabin lights.
- Added Stoneguard (only in FULL version).
- Added few wings models (Big only in FULL version).
- Added front lights lashes (only in FULL version).
- Added backpanel accessories.
- Added bed accessories.
- Metallic paints collection (only in FULL version).
- Added A/A system. 
Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.4.5 By SMRS (1.46.x):
- Adapted to the latest game patch 1.46;
- Fixed GPS.
Download #1 | Download #2

Changes in v1.2 (1.37.x):
- Adaptation to ATS 1.37.x game version.
- Windows are openable but not visible (only sound effect).
- Some corrections.
- Added exhausts smoke (optional).
Download #1

Do you like this truck?

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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  1. drew
    drew Members
    | № 7 | 3 September 2024 01:08 |
    + +2-
    To get the truck in QuickJobs and Truck Browser (applies to most gypsy mods):

    Copy the .scs file to a new working directory. I personally use
    Documents/American Truck Simulator/locked mods dont exist

    Use 'Extractor_Files (D.A.R.T)' or a similar program to unpack the .scs archive. Unpack it to a folder using the same name as the mod, in this case

    1. copy the peterbilt_352.sii from def/vehicle/truck_dealer/peterbilt
    2. create a new folder def/vehicle/truck_company
    3. paste the peterbilt_352.sii file and open with notepad++/atom/sublime text/whatever
    4. change line3 to read
    vehicle: .company.truck

    5. from lines 11 to 39 remove ONLY
    Line 11 for example should now look like
    accessories[]: .data 

    6. save file

    copy this file into new folder def/vehicle/truck_desktop
    1. edit line3 to read
    vehicle: .desktop.truck
    2. save file

    Now go to def/vehicle/truck/peterbilt.352/paint_job and open color0.sii
    Delete everything and paste
    accessory_paint_job_data : color0m.peterbilt.352.paint_job
        name: "@@custom_metallic@@"
        icon: "color_custom_metallic_icon"
        price: 1000
        unlock: 0
        base_color: (0.401978, 0.571125, 1.000000)
        base_color_locked: false
        flake_clearcoat_rolloff: 4.500000
        flake_color: (1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000)
        flake_color_locked: false
        flake_density: 0.800000
        flake_shininess: 30.000000
        flip_color: (0.045186, 0.102242, 0.407240)
        flip_color_locked: false
        flip_strength: 1.300000
        flipflake: true


    Save file as color0m.sii
    Now you have Metallic Paint for $1,000.

    Delete the .scs file from your mods folder and replace it with the unpacked archive containing the new files. Now you finally have a 352 you can use in Quick Jobs and browse configurations for before purchasing. The most basic of mod functionality. You're welcome.

    Additional info: you can use the Truck Browser in tandem with the console to determine the corresponding files for different parts so you can make Heavy, Oversize and Double versions of a Company Truck.
  2. diamondcreepah
    diamondcreepah Guests
    | № 6 | 14 March 2023 20:13 |
    + +1-
    my god this is such an improvement over the original! 
  3. jigsaw
    jigsaw Guests
    | № 5 | 13 February 2023 21:36 |
    + 0-
    OKAY ist das wirklich eine malware datei ? Würde diesen truck gerne downloaden

    1. Sven
      Sven Guests
      | № 4 | 17 February 2023 15:24 |
      + 0-
      kauf ihn hier.
  4. V_V
    V_V Guests
    | № 3 | 12 February 2023 13:04 |
    + +3-

    I really appreciate the mod and effort you took to make it great, but it supports only default engines. Can we make to support to some external engine packs.

  5. don
    don Guests
    | № 2 | 7 February 2023 19:18 |
    + +1-
    Thank you for updating. truck and all the extra addons
  6. djp
    djp Guests
    | № 1 | 3 July 2019 17:46 |
    + -2-

    great truck, any chance it getting into ATS workshop ?

    1. admin
      admin Administrators
      | № 0 | 4 July 2019 00:01 |
      + +1-

      CyrusTheVirus does not use workshop for his files, just external links.


      Best regards!

  7. George
    George Guests
    | № -1 | 27 June 2019 22:31 |
    + 0-

    This mod cant even be extracted. It is downloaded as a corrupt file. Also firefox says something about a virus or malware detected. Classic shady cyrus work, again. Dunno wth he did on the file.

    1. admin
      admin Administrators
      | № -2 | 27 June 2019 23:48 |
      + -1-

      You don't need to extract nothing, mod have extension .scs

      Just download from and enjoy the mod.


      Best regards!

      1. George
        George Guests
        | № -3 | 5 July 2019 20:11 |
        + -3-

        I dont download any mod that cant be extracted sorry. Because for a start, good modders never EVER do things like what cyrus does. I like to have a look at the mod so i can tweak some textures to adapt em to my lower system specs, and tweak things like unlock levels and prices. If i cant do anything of this, sorry that mod is garbaje to me. And again, FIREFOX will NOT download the file. It will download it corrupt, because it detects malware on it. This never EVER happened to me lol, only when i downloaded this mod (and ive been using mods since i can remember) so, no thanks, its no a trusted mod for me.

        1. admin
          admin Administrators
          | № -4 | 6 July 2019 12:20 |
          + 0-

          And where did u see this mod archived? it have extension .scs, no need to be extracted.


          Sharemods ATS mod 

          1. Rob
            Rob Guests
            | № -5 | 7 February 2023 15:02 |
            + +1-
            Guess he wants to open .scs file?