Trailer Cheetah Chassis 53 (own-able) v1.0 (1.35.x) for ATS 0
Category - American Trailers
Game Version - v1.35.x
Credits: - Bora, Sib3rius, Mado S.Yaghi, Yankee Trucker, Rubberduck, Hardtrucksthebest, Bruno77, Ventyres
Description about « Trailer Cheetah Chassis 53 (own-able) v1.0 (1.35.x) for ATS »:
Download mod Trailer Cheetah Chassis 53' (own-able) v1.0 (1.35.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.
Bora's 53' Container Trailer mod that was very popular in Haulin , i got permison from Rob aka sib3rius to go ahead and update this , i rebaked it all all new textures its ownable lightmask ,cargos to fit the new syestem. its V1 so might have some more updated later has 2 chassis 2 axle and 4 axles with liftable axle didnt have alot of skins for the containers so it has 7 diff skins.
Features trailer Cheetah Chassis 53':
- Available for purchase in the property
- advanced coupling,
- trailer cables
- model has own cargos
- animations on the parts
- model has own wheels
- detailed model
Changes for v1.35.x:
- Updated to 1.35;
- Removed from traffic;
- Now you switch bettwen rear of front axle setup from F7 menu.
Tested on game version 1.35.x