Sounds for Classic Cars AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v2.6 (1.33.x) 0
Category - Sounds ATS
Game Version - v1.33.x
Credits: - Cipinho, Jazzycat
Description about « Sounds for Classic Cars AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v2.6 (1.33.x) »:
Download mod Sounds for Classic Cars AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat v2.6 (1.33.x) for ATS | American Truck Simulator game.
my mod must have higher priority in the mod load order.
in addition with my Real Traffic density mod (see link below)
you can make classic cars as separate type of vehicles with own spawn rules by simply renaming the sii file from def/vehicle folder (base mod) into traffic_storage_classic.jazzycat.sii
with this modification classic cars will have individual spawn rules from my traffic density mod and you no longer need other mods than my sounds and the base mod
Description mod:
- personalized sound for Classic cars by Jazzycat.
- place my mod above the main pack.
Tested on game version 1.33.x