Engine Compilation Mod 2.0 for Ats 1.32.x game version
New engine which is a compilation of the following things :
Compilation mods of engine mods including the following :
CAT C11, C13 and C15 by Rookie_One
PACCAR Automated transmission and Eaton Endurant by Rookie_One
Cummins ISX12 and X12 by Rookie_One
Volvo D11, D13 and D16 by Galimim
Volvo Transmisions by Galimim
Cummins ISX15 and X15 by Galimim
PACCAR engines by Galimim
CAT 3406E and Cummins N14 by Wilson212
Cummins, PACCAR and CAT sounds by Kriechbaum
Eaton Endurant icons by Loadersaints
Volvo Sounds by SCS (ripped from ETS2)
Compatible with Kenworth W900B, T800 and Peterbilt 567 by GTM Team
NOTES : please verify with Eaton and Volvo documentation for the maximum input torque
possible through the transmissions, as I did not put any restrictions (and I won't until
SCS add an input-torque based value for compatibility for transmissions)
Also, for those wishing to use the SmartAdvantage powertrain, I recommend using
LoaderSaints' mod for Eaton transmissions., do note that I recommend putting
this mod above Loadersaints' mod, as my Eaton Endurant transmission will overwrite his.
Every engine file was imported in Wilson212 modding tool and slightly modified.
Note : Caterpillar have a different rating in-stats and in-name, the reason being that they
explicity separate advertised power and real power in their spec sheets
New Changelog of 2.0:
- Added Super Direct configuration for Volvo
- Changed 3.08 axle ratio to 3.09 for Volvo i-Shift, as per specifications for Tandem Axles
NOTE : you might need to sell and rebuy your truck if you update BEFORE changing
to another axle ratio if you are using 3.08 ratio before update
Tested in Ats 1.32.x game version