BigBob W900 Sound Fix for Ats by Windsor 351 0
Category - Sounds ATS
Game Version - v1.29.x
Credits: - Big_Bob, Kriechbaum, SCS, Windsor351
Description about « BigBob W900 Sound Fix for Ats by Windsor 351 »:
BigBob W900 Sound Fix by Windsor 351 for Ats 1.29.x game version
This fix uses ATS_engine_sound_megapack_2.7 to give sounds to engines that
come with Kenworth_w900_Big_Bob_edition_2.0
This package contains a fix only.
It does NOT contain the sounds.
It is NOT the full truck
Priority order:
BigBob W900 Sound Fix by Windsor351
Not Required/Optional:
Asphalt tires transmission sounds Kriechbaum 1.2
The fix and sounds go above all trucks and may need to go above other sound mods you may have.
After activating mods, completely shut down and restart game, then change engine to a different brand at a dealer/repair station.