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ATS Mods » Maps ATS » US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x]

US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x] 0

7-12-2017, 12:31
2 949
US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x]
Category - Maps ATS
Game Version - v1.29.x
Credits: -

Description about « US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x] »:

US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 for Ats 1.29.x game version

I have rework and edit the US 50 & CA 99 map mod by seal0027 so it is now working with the
new 1.29 patch (1.20 scale), on C2C and CanaDream map mod too!
The original map mod by seal0027: viewtopic.php?f=194&t=203831

I also add the Yosemite Park roads (CA 108 & CA 120) and Lee Vining city as a scenery city
form Project West in this mod with autorization of stoked_dude so
you don't need Project West anymore!

New version 1.9.1
- Fix terrain intrusion in Chico
- Add missing stop sign in Chico
- Fix floating rocks in Yosemite
- Fix floating signs
- Fix floating bike in Yosemite
- Fix floating vegetation on the US 50
- Fix country propagation

V1.9 = - Fix the floating hill between Placerville & Sacramento
- Fix incorrect signs
- Fix Stockton city limit and leaving city signs
- Fix company item without assignement error in Placerville (that add Walbert company in Placerville)
- Fix the invisible wall in Yuba City
- Fix some parked police cars
- Add scenary on the CA 99 between Stockton & Sacramento
- Fix Chico agency bug
- Fix compounds bug in the map editor
V1.8.1 = - Fix gap in South Lake Tahoe
- Fix issue with the wall in South Lake Tahoe that was blocking some trailer
- Fix the invisible wall in Bitumen Garage in South Lake Tahoe
V1.8 = - Add Yosemite Park (CA 108 & CA 120) from Project West- Add Lee Vining as a scenery city from Project West
- Fix sign bugs
- Fix terrain intrusion
- Add scenery on the US 50 between Sacramento & Placerville
- Edit the mod icon
V1.7.1 = - Fix some part of road in California that were set to the Nevada values
- Fix some floating objects
V1.7 = - Add city of South Lake Tahoe
- This mod is now standalone and do not need Project West 1.3.2 to work!
- Add mod description & icon in game
V1.6.4 = - Move the US 50 further North to make it more realistic
- Narrowed the curve toward South Lake Tahoe to make it more realistic
V1.6.3 = Fix the speed limits in California that were set to the Nevada values
V1.6.2 = - Add the rescale (1.20) of Chico and Yuba City
- Add two rest areas on the US 50
V1.6.1 = Made compatible with C2C

Cities Expansion Mod
I have also decided to share with you one of my private mod that I've done few
months ago that add three new little cities with some drop off points! ;)Cities Expansion:

For the Cities Expansion:
It is a standalone map mod. You don't need the US 50 & CA 99 mod to make it work!
For the Cities Expansion (C2C Compatible Version):
Place the Cities Expansion above C2C mod to make it work!

You must use only one version! Choose V1.3.1 (C2C) if you play with the
C2C map mod or choose V1.3.1 if you are not using C2C!

Updated version 1.3.1
V1.3.1 & V1.3.1 (C2C) = - Fix Santa Rosa files to make it compatible with VivaMexico Map

V1.3 & V1.3 (C2C) = - Add cities of Santa Rosa & Vaughn
- Fix Walbert companies not showing up in Laytonville & Wells


V1.2.1 & V1.2.1 (C2C) = - Fix Wells city that has sunk
- Add Laytonville, McDermitt & Wells city limit and leaving city signs
V1.2 (C2C) = - Fix bug of McDermitt company not showing up on the map
- Fix holes that were in McDermitt- Remove the space in the name of the city of McDermitt and
add a dot at the end of it to avoid crash due to the name that is already use by C2C
- Fix Wells & McDermitt that were shown as Californian cities
V1.2 = - Fix bug of McDermitt not showing up on the map
- Fix holes that were in McDermitt
- Remove the space in the name of the city of McDermitt
- Fix Wells & McDermitt that were shown as Californian cities
V1.1 (C2C) = - Made compatible with C2C
V1.1 = - Fix cities errors
- Add mod description in game
V1.0 = - Add cities of McDermitt, Laytonville and Wells (all with two drop off points)

Tested on game version 1.29.x
  • Screens
US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x] US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x] US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x] US 50 & CA 99 v1.9.1 + Cities Expansion v1.3.1 [1.29.x]

How to install mods?

- Download the mod from our server or from external links;

- Extract it with Winrar or Winzip program;

- Copy files with extension .scs file(s) into your My Documents/American Truck Simulator/mod folder;

- Run game ~> Edit profile ~> Enable mod.

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