Truck Physics v2.8 For Manual Players (1.29.x) 0
Category - Other mods ats
Game Version - v1.29.x
Credits: - SCS Software, oXyDe DRIVERS
Description about « Truck Physics v2.8 For Manual Players (1.29.x) »:
Truck Physics v2.8 For Manual Players (1.29.x) for American Truck Simulator game.
Hi guys, This physics change the transmission feel and suspension.
[UPDATE]: That is new in this update v2.5.
– Work with 4 trucks for now:
Peterbilt 389 SCS
Peterbilt 579 SCS
Kenworth W900 SCS
Kenworth T680 SCS
#For the transmission:
– The clutch engage at very low, but is still easy to use.
– Transmission have now some little bit of resistance.
– The RPM will take time to go down in RPM. (You are at 1500RPM, it will take more time to go at 1000RPM then stock physics.).
– More coming out for the Transmission.
#For the Suspension:
– Now you have cabin mouvement like real truck (I don’t why it was deactivated.)
– Cabin suspension work with SCS Truck for now.
– Wheel suspension travel is increase.
– OLD: Now the trailer will and roll by it self and not being one piece with the truck
– You may see the cabin moving when turning or going on something.
– Now wheel can slip, so be carefull
– Now tires can slip, so be carefull.
– Still in WIP !
The goal is that I want to make the “worst” physics to a “real feel” physics, I never drive a real truck in real life, but I can make it from Youtube Video.
Recommended to use with a steering wheel and clutch pedal, but you can use this mod with other controlers !
I can update the mod for you if you want !
Any bug or question ? Just tell me on Facebook:
Tested on game version 1.29.x