Common Flare Mod v2.2 (1.29.x) 0
Category - Lights ATS
Game Version - v1.29.x
Credits: - SCS, piva, lonestranger
Description about « Common Flare Mod v2.2 (1.29.x) »:
Common Flare Mod v2.2 (1.29.x) for American Truck Simulator game.
I don't say that this mod better than SCS was tweak in last update.
This mod - another than SCS, and it ready to use in ETS2 and ATS game version.
Here updates
head light with light cone
rear light
blinkers and red blinkers
side orange lights
roadwork lights
beacon lighs
WARNING trailer beacon work always.
Changes in v2.2:
- Fixed flare_blink parameters, tweak some light parameters, fixed emegensy cars blinkes and beacons
- Special thanks to lonestranger for beacon light texture and permission.
Tested on game version 1.29.x