Piva Weather mod v3.2 (v1.28.x) for American Truck Simulator game.
Changes in v3.2:
- Removed old flare mod for compatible with 1.28 version
- Fixed night skybox textures
- Fixed colors and brightness (after SCS was changed own hidden hdr_setup settings)
Version 3.1
For ATS 1.6 ONLY
Fixed skybox.pmg file version and geometry. No more else changed.
Version 3.0
This is test version. I don't test it yet.
Fully reworked colors and hdr coefficients, far fog, chrome reflection and so on.
Version 2.6
Now with skybox model
Added clouds shadows
Changed far fog
Changed brightness
Changed specular color for chrome support
Support climates
New in Version 2.5
HDR settings updated. Reduced overbright effect.
For daytime mod used hdr.sii file use hdr.default at morning and hdr.08 for day.
Critical values of target_white and traget_gray parameters write with normal numbers
So you can update it on you taste.
target_gray - if bigger then color is more bright
traget_white - if bigger then color is less bright
Bloom not used
Added support for some climates
winter <- now unused
Tested on game version 1.28.x