Best Start Save Game v1.0 (3 in 1) (v1.6.x) for American Truck Simulator game.
This is a starter save game for ATS beginners (and not). Perfect if you want to play ATS with already a lot of money and all the skills or only with all skills.
– Level 36 [All skill points are maxed]
+NO Money [For anyone who wants to earn money for themselves]
+1 MILLION € [A good compromise for a good start and have money to invest at once]
+1 BILLION € Cash [To buy all you want!!!]
– This savegame DOES NOT require any DLC, you can use it with the basic game [or with any DLC you might have]
– Tested with ATS last version [should work for all versions]
How to Install:
Just extract the ZIP-file and copy the folder inside to “My Documents/American Truck Simulator/profiles”.
– Enjoy!
Tested on game version 1.6.x