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Extra Wheel Tuning Options for ATS

17-04-2016, 08:14
3 069

Hot on the heels of the recent game updates for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator, we are bringing you a new batch of optional content building on the new wheel tuning functionality.

We are introducing a pair of "aftermarket" Wheel Tuning Packs in the form of DLC, with new unique parts tailored for the Euro style and American style wheels respectively. The recent changes in the base games - splitting the monolithic wheel models into multiple parts - have already brought you a lot of freedom in making hundreds possible combinations of wheels. With the new DLC stuff, the number of potential combinations grows by another magnitude or two, especially if you consider that some of the parts can now have any color you wish applied to them.

The sets of the tuning parts are different and unique for American Truck Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator 2, so it's not like you would be paying for the same thing twice, but we are making it easier for player of both games to obtain the DLCs for both games. If you buy the DLC for either one of the games, things are set up on the back-end so that the Wheel Tuning DLC is automatically unlocked for free for you in the other game. Have fun!





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