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Nebraska DLC: Gameplay Preview - American Truck Simulator

17-04-2024, 22:44

Watch the gameplay preview from the upcoming ,,Nebraska DLC" released by SCS Software for American Truck Simulator game.

Buckle up, it's time to hit the road! Today, we're excited to share with you the very first gameplay preview from our upcoming Nebraska DLC for American Truck Simulator. Join us as we drive from the city of Valentine, Nebraska to an Agriculture Facility just below North Platte.

Please keep in mind that what you see here is still a work in progress and does not represent the final product. 

From cities to scenic byways, Nebraska has plenty left yet to be discovered. If you like what you see, be sure to add it to your Steam Wishlist! We thank you for your continued support and look forward to reading your comments and first impressions on the Cornhusker State in American Truck Simulator. 

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