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Oklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATS

16-05-2023, 14:48
1 130

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations" from the new upcoming map expansion Oklahoma DLC for American Truck Simulator game. 

There's no better feeling than hitting the road and traveling to a U.S. State you've never been to; but before you get going, there are a few rules you need to follow. Each state has its own regulations and laws for truck drivers and Oklahoma is no exception. 
Ports of Entry are where your journey begins.

Ports of Entry are where your journey begins. These gateways ensure that you and your truck are ready for the road ahead. At these checkpoints, you'll undergo inspections to make sure you have all the necessary permits and paperwork and that truck and cargo are in compliance with state and federal regulations. You'll be on your way in no time if you are! 

Oklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATSOklahoma DLC - Ports of Entry & Weigh Stations in ATS

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