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Texas DLC - Cotton Gin for American Truck Simulator

24-01-2022, 21:11
1 668

Great news from SCS Software presenting ,,Cotton Gin" from the upcoming Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator game. 

It’s time to reveal another new industry arriving in the upcoming Texas DLC for American Truck Simulator. And once again, as is often the case with this state, it’s going to be something big! Let’s take a look at the Cotton Industry and explore what makes the local production unique.

Texas produces more cotton than any other state in the entire U.S., with roughly 40% of the country’s total production. The fields are located mostly northwest and southeast, covering more than nine million acres, which is an area equivalent of approximately 14,000 square miles (36,259 square kilometers). Thanks to this, you will have an opportunity to drive past these fields, which will offer a characteristic view of oil extraction machines or wind turbines being surrounded by an incredible amount of white cotton plants.

Texas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton GinTexas DLC - Cotton Gin

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