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All the Best in 2018 from SCS Software!

23-12-2017, 13:51
1 776

Dear truck simulation fans,

After a couple of very frenzy weeks, we are taking a few days off to recharge our batteries.

There is a lot of opportunities to spend quality time now in both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator - with New MexicoItalia, Special Transport, and with the ongoing World of Trucks end-of-year event. So we hope that you will have some forty tons of fun (or more!) with our games in the next week or two!
We want to express our sincere thanks for your support. This year was great and full of promise, but our ambition is much higher. Our feature and content wishlist is very long, and our desire to provide you with the best truck/vehicle simulation anyone can build still very strong.
We want to wish you all the best in 2018. Party hard, celebrate and make a New Year’s wish. Have a healthy and prosperous New Year! Happy Trucking!
Your SCS Software Team

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